Brushing and flossing is very important, and if you make a habit of doing it twice a day, you are certainly on the right track. As important as personal oral hygiene is, however, it is not enough to keep your teeth healthy and cavity-free.
There are other factors that contribute to the health of your teeth. Genetics, lifestyle choices like tobacco use and the types of food you consume, and improper brushing techniques can all create oral health problems.
But the absolute best way to prevent cavities is regular dental exams and professional cleanings. Both give us an opportunity to keep tabs on the condition of your mouth, allowing us to detect problems like cavities while they are still small and easily treatable.
During these visits, we will also determine if application of sealants and fluoride would be helpful for maintaining oral health. If you’re not sure that your oral hygiene is effective, our hygienist will be happy to demonstrate the proper way to brush and floss, so you get the most out of your routine.
At Northern Hills Dental, we want to help you achieve excellent oral health. Please give us a call to arrange a dental cleaning and exam. At that time, we can talk to you about other ways you can ensure great dental health.