Dental bonding is a treatment offered at Northern Hills Dental that corrects the appearance of a number of cosmetic dental imperfections. Using composite material that looks similar to your natural teeth, we can enhance your smile and strengthen your teeth.
Many of us have something about our smile that we’d like to change or improve. Over the years, advances in new dental materials have given us treatments that can dramatically improve the health and appearance of your smile.
You don’t have to live with teeth that are chipped, cracked, broken, or severely stained. Dental bonding can correct all these problems because the composite material we use looks completely natural and blends perfectly with your own teeth.
Bonding with composite material is an efficient process that can usually be completed in just one office visit, depending on the number of teeth involved. Dr. Stone will prepare the tooth to be treated and then carefully match the bonding material to your natural tooth shade.
Next, he uses a special curing light to bond the material securely to your tooth. Finally he carefully shapes the material to conform to the appearance of your own teeth. The result is a fully functional tooth that is not only attractive, but long-lasting.
Please contact our dental office if you would like more information about bonding and how this treatment can benefit you.